Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I hate brown people.

So, I walked into a Mac's convienence store this evening to buy a pack of cigarettes, and of course behind the counter at any Mac's you'll find an asian person who doesn't speak english any better then an infant. These people happened to be of eat indian descent.

I asked for a pack, they ask for ID, so I figured, 'Yeah, that's fine, the age to buy is 19 and I'm 20.' No problem there eh? Wrong. Apparently my health card (which I've been using for the past two years as ID to get into bars and buy cigarettes with) isn't good enough anymore. New government regulations or something, whatever. SO I whip out my birth certificate, a document that was issued twenty years ago several weeks after I was BORN!

Unfortunately this stupid fuck can't seem to understand common sense, so we ended up arguing in front of his store full of customers, and the guy behind me in line trys to explain to the stupid brown shit that a birth certificate is valid fucking ID! He tells me I need a driver's liscense or a passport and I tell that retarded douche that a fucking birth certificate is what you need to get a fucking driver's liscense or passport!!!

This guy's just to damned stupid from licking camel asses all day that I left, that's the end of that store, no more business for him. Listen you stupid cocksucker, you don't come to my fucking country and tell me how old I am. Go back to fucking Pakistan so our southern cousins can kill you.


Anonymous said...

Well, this isn't much, but hey, better than nothing...

Shit...I am fucked up.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they'd stay in their own nation if they had some food. But seeing as how you look as if you've eaten all of it they have to go somewhere now don't they?

Anonymous said...

u think thats a good reason to hate brown people!!! how bout if u drop money at a school infested with brown people they will go diving for it. Thats just an example, in real life i dropped my wallet by accident just yesterday and its 100% gone. They stole it for the 70$ in it but i could give less of a shit bout the money. I lost so many important cards and all they want is the money. I hate cheap ass brown people. Take the fuckn money just give me back my wallet!!!!!