Monday, November 14, 2005

WTF?!: The Sequel

So yeah, as you may have guessed, I wasn't too pleased with the way that design was working out. Too much colour and happiness and not enough of me or myself. Actually the MogBlogged Design is going to enjoy a quiet retirement in it's hometown of my mind. The only problem is that because of it's shortened lifeline, the MogBlogged Design did not have any money saved up for retirement. Which of course means that it'll be dead before the day's over.

Anyways, I'm considering taking on a partner for the website, if you're interested, just hit me up by one of the many means you have of contacting me...

Friday, November 11, 2005


Yes, what the fuck indeed my friends, what the fuck indeed. No, nothing really that drastic, I just changed the layout of my website/blog. ISN'T IT FUN!? Don't start bitching if you see any mistakes and mishaps in the coding or design of the site, as I will say now, that it's still UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
What do you think?

Friday, November 4, 2005

I'm Unemployed Again

I quit my job because the hours sucked, talking to Americans sucked, and the pay sucked. So I'm back on the track to looking for work. Hopefully I'll land the midnight shift at the new gas station that just opened up, then I can get back to the important things in life, like smoking weed and getting drunk at work again.

What's everyone up to?

BTW, if you're going to comment on this post, give me an idea of how often you check to see if I update this place, if a lot of people happen to be stopping by a lot and being disappointed because there's no updates, then I might consider updating it more often.