Friday, July 9, 2004


I've recently, today infact heard of a little disagreement between a friend of mine and a work friend. Technically they're both friends I've known from work, but I don't engage in social activities, (drinking, smoking pot, etc.) with friend B. Friend A happens to be the person whom I am most endeared to as a friend, there's nothing between us people, she's married.

Friend A, along with Friend C are often known to go and engage in social activities, last night they decided to bring Friend B along, and Friend B reportedly took it upon himself to take some of Friend A's cigarettes without asking. Unfortunaly for Friend B, Casual Aquaintance A witnessed the theft and told Friend A.

When confronted with the truth, Friend B denied it, and as a result, Friends A and B are no longer friends...

Confused? I am...

Anyways, I've decided to hold with Friend A on this one, regardless of whether the theft actually occured (I was not present), I've known Friend B to be deceitful in the past.

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