Monday, April 3, 2006

Chris Slate, PSM Magazine

I recently had an encounter with the editor in chief of the publication PSM, based in California. After having been requested to make a banner to voice the concerns of one moderator over nothing being fixed around PSM's Online Discussion Forum, I put the banner into my signature. After returning to the forums the next day, I found myself banned, over calling someone a tool over the Internet. Well apparently the "Personal Attack" I made on Chris Slate, didn't sit too well with Chris Slate, and I was promptly banned without even being notified, or going through the forum's 3 strikes and you're out policy.

After some rabble rousing from my friendly forumites, I was reinstated to previous forum status the next day. Although I hold no grudge against Chris Slate personally, he needs to grow up and get a sense of humour.

Also, I'd like to thank all of the forum members that came to my defense over the unfair banning of the forum's most prominent member... me. It would take too long to list all of the names who supported me, but I want to personally thank Stephen P. Nobles IV for sticking up for me the entire time, after all, he was the one who asked for the offending banner to be made. I'd also like to personally thank Aimee (faerietalegoddess) because of her staunch words to both Steve and Chris who got a little off topic with all of their cock waving.

Once again, thanks guys, except Kgod, the biggest bitch on the forums.


Anonymous said...

If youre in the right, youre in the right man. I couldnt sit by and allow him to do that unchecked. Slate also has not appeared on AIM or the forum since the debacle, if that speaks anything for testicular fortitude to allow mere words to deter his interest.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know we had a 3 strikes policy...

Anonymous said...

That sig Nisha made pwned.

Anonymous said...

Ah, thanks for the thanks Kris. It tickles me in a special place to see you back on the boards and posting. I haven't seen everyone that riled up since Chris Slate wanted boobies out of people's signatures. You, my friend...are the forums new boobie. Congratulations!
And welcome back.