Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Am I Wrong?

Am I wrong, or does the government suck?

Recently in Canada, Parliment Hill chose not to lower the federal flags in memorium of the four Canadian soldiers that recently died in Afghanistan. They cited their reason as being that we have a day of Remembrance on Nov 11th every year, in remembrance of the end of WWI, and to honour all veterans who have died in the service of Canada. Good, I understand and wholly support Remembrance Day and I'm proud to have a day where we get to honour our veterans of past and present, however what the Government did was hold a vote to see whether they would lower the flags to half or not. The indecision made their answer seem like a slap in the face to the families of those recently deceased soldiers.

I believe that the Government should be unyielding in the upholding of the laws of state, it's the fact that they had the internal rumbling enough to have to hold the vote, like some the members of Parliament, don't know their own laws. Whenever our government is featured on the news, I'm almost embarrassed to be Canadian.

Shape up guys, or we'll ship you out.

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