If there's one thing I honestly hate in this world, it's unreliable people. I've been dry for more than a week because no one in this damned town knows how to conduct a decent drug deal. My regular guy apparently became a crack head and hasn't answered his telephone in weeks. Friends that keep saying they'll hook me up aren't getting back to me, I'm just plain miffed.
It's not that I'm even that big of a junkie that I need a green fix, it's the principle of the matter. I should be able to get drugs when I fucking want them. None of this waiting around bullshit!
Happy belated Dominion Day, btw.
Sunday, July 2, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I love warez.
When you're like me and you have a piece of shit computer that can barely run a game released in the last five years, warez really comes in handy for trying out games to see if they'll run. If they don't run, fine, delete the files. When they do run however, it's the sweetest pie in the whole wide world.
Just thought I'd mention that.
When you're like me and you have a piece of shit computer that can barely run a game released in the last five years, warez really comes in handy for trying out games to see if they'll run. If they don't run, fine, delete the files. When they do run however, it's the sweetest pie in the whole wide world.
Just thought I'd mention that.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Been Awhile
It certainly is rude of me to go ahead and put up a nice looking blog like this and then leave it inactive for weeks or ever months at a time. To be quite honest though, since I dropped out of school I haven't been doing a whole lot besides smoking pot and not looking for that full time job that I dropped out of school to find... yea...
Anyways, I found out that some old friends of mine are going to be having their first child, so I'd like to express my congratulations to them. If you're reading this, then you know who you are... corrupters.
I'll once again attempt to update this thing more often, but don't bet on it.
Anyways, I found out that some old friends of mine are going to be having their first child, so I'd like to express my congratulations to them. If you're reading this, then you know who you are... corrupters.
I'll once again attempt to update this thing more often, but don't bet on it.
Thursday, June 8, 2006
C'mon Edmonton
Nothing pisses a Canadian off more than seeing a canadian NHL team lose a playoff game, nothing except maybe a long line at Timmy's in the morning. If you don't follow hockey, tonight the Edmonton Oilers got their asses handed to them by the Carolina Hurricanes in game two of Lord Stanley's Cup Finals.
Edmonton just took way too many penalties and by the last half of the third period when they were down 5-0, they just sort of lost interest. Hopefully they can pull something out of their ass for the next game in Edmonton and actually win, though without Roloson it doesn't look good. I gotta say, Carolina's defensive tactics are amusing. Their strategy of falling all over their goaltender to block the net seems to have paid off.
My time spent living in Calgary seems to have engraved a vehemont hatred for Edmonton into the soul of my being, but you know what, as long as the Cup comes back to Canada, I don't give a shit what team wins it for us. So pick it up boys!
The next two games are in Edmonton, so I hope the hometown crowd can rally the troops. If the Oilers don't win the next game, I predict a Carolina Cup victory.
Edmonton just took way too many penalties and by the last half of the third period when they were down 5-0, they just sort of lost interest. Hopefully they can pull something out of their ass for the next game in Edmonton and actually win, though without Roloson it doesn't look good. I gotta say, Carolina's defensive tactics are amusing. Their strategy of falling all over their goaltender to block the net seems to have paid off.
My time spent living in Calgary seems to have engraved a vehemont hatred for Edmonton into the soul of my being, but you know what, as long as the Cup comes back to Canada, I don't give a shit what team wins it for us. So pick it up boys!
The next two games are in Edmonton, so I hope the hometown crowd can rally the troops. If the Oilers don't win the next game, I predict a Carolina Cup victory.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
What's News?
Well, since I've posted that little article of writing in other places around the 'Net, I certainly don't feel bad about making this post to replace it. Just wanted to give a little heads up on the current Kris situation.
I've sort of gone and done something that I shouldn't have: I dropped out of school... again. Sorry kids, but reality gave me a swift kick in the junk when I realized that I can't support myself if I'm going to school full time and only working on the weekends. So it's back to the newspaper ink sniffing for me as I rifle through the classifieds. Unfortunately, being that it's summertime and all of the students are out (including the high school kids shortly), the job market will be slim pickings.
Switching to a lighter note now, I recently, well a week and a half ago, attended a staff party. You all remember that I work as a bouncer at a country-themed night club right? Well, this wasn't just any staff party, it was an 'Industry Night'. Export A (a tobacco company here in Cana-duh!) spent 80 grand throwing us this blast of a night. I do believe that I left 20lbs of me on the dance floor after that continuous four hour shuffling of the feet that I was doing. Well, not continuous; I had to stop for smoke breaks and tequila shots.
Speaking of work, has anyone ever heard of a band called Disturbed? They played at our bar last Sunday, and I'm not big on the whole heavy metal music genre, but the kids seemed to really like them. However, loading up a 53-foot tractor trailer at the end of the night was not fun.
Anyways, that's about it, I remain, as always: apathetic and looking for (more) work.
I've sort of gone and done something that I shouldn't have: I dropped out of school... again. Sorry kids, but reality gave me a swift kick in the junk when I realized that I can't support myself if I'm going to school full time and only working on the weekends. So it's back to the newspaper ink sniffing for me as I rifle through the classifieds. Unfortunately, being that it's summertime and all of the students are out (including the high school kids shortly), the job market will be slim pickings.
Switching to a lighter note now, I recently, well a week and a half ago, attended a staff party. You all remember that I work as a bouncer at a country-themed night club right? Well, this wasn't just any staff party, it was an 'Industry Night'. Export A (a tobacco company here in Cana-duh!) spent 80 grand throwing us this blast of a night. I do believe that I left 20lbs of me on the dance floor after that continuous four hour shuffling of the feet that I was doing. Well, not continuous; I had to stop for smoke breaks and tequila shots.
Speaking of work, has anyone ever heard of a band called Disturbed? They played at our bar last Sunday, and I'm not big on the whole heavy metal music genre, but the kids seemed to really like them. However, loading up a 53-foot tractor trailer at the end of the night was not fun.
Anyways, that's about it, I remain, as always: apathetic and looking for (more) work.
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Part One
Something flashes in the corner of my eye, as I turn my gaze I catch a fleeting glimpse of a long passed memory, slipping from the outermost edge of my subconscious, yearning to break free into the realm of thought. Vague shapes and shadows dance on the wall as I stare, ruminating for a thread of familiarity, my mind twists, trying desperately to draw out the hidden memory locked within. The dainty aroma of a fine perfume caresses my nostrils, my eyelids grow heavy; they lower as faint sounds tickle my eardrums into activity. The world around me swirls into a pit of darkness and becomes distant; the body is there, but the mind dances through the global circuits of consciousness.
Bodiless, my mind flies through the open plane of human consciousness, feeling my way along the highways of thought and emotion. A metamorphoses, much like the dimwitted caterpillar becomes the elegant butterfly, I am aware of things. For the first time in my life I am aware that there is more to existence then the wretched confines of the physical world. I feel myself being bathed in the emotional warmth of the infinite plane, my mind pulses with excitement. Shifting realities wrench and bring me to a level that I recognize, stars and blackness surrounds me. The vast universe stretches before me like a grand buffet, where to start? So much to try, so much to see, to taste, to smell, to hear, to touch, it 's overwhelming! Yet I feel a serene sense of calmness, the perspective of my mind wraps itself around the concepts of ethereal life.
I become aware of direction, distance and speed, though in comparison to the infinitesimal void, these concepts have little weight. In an instant there is a presence, someone calling out to me. The presence dissipates, I can't feel it anymore. I feel cold and alone, so distant from everything. The universe fades out of existence as a wave of emotional loneliness washes over my mind, it is dark now. Time slows, fizzles and stops, but what is time if not a measurement of conscious existence? There is nothing, I am alone in the void.
A blurry white cloud of dust approaches me, at least I perceive it to be approaching. In the void, direction has no meaning, time has no meaning, there is only the void, the cloud, and me. The cloud sharpens and takes shape, blurry images dance and contort, what does it say? I strain my mind and try to focus on the cloud, thinking, reaching, stretching my curiosity towards it within the void. I can almost make out the form, the shapes almost begin to carry meaning. Focusing harder, my thoughts race through the confines of my mind, and the cloud suddenly materializes into the most simplistic of commands: “Don't Think”.
A massive grumbling and suddenly I lurch back to consciousness, the familiar confines of my apartment surround me: home. What had just happened? A faint tint of dark blue light gives my apartment a gloomy appearance, is it the evening? The room gives no reply. I notice that my large, oak grandfather clock seems to think that it is 7PM, the wrist watch on my coffee table is more than happy to agree, in spite of my perceptions. Impossible! I had just gotten out of bed less than ten minutes ago! A cup of cold coffee on the table appears to further defy my perception of time. Did I fall asleep on the couch? Did I dream my whole day away? It wouldn't be the first time that I'd slouched about all day, but what of dreaming? I can't seem to recall anything! My mind feels like a blank slate, unthinking, rested.
I rub my eyes trying to make sense of the lost time. A nagging sensation grips my being, the addiction, the habit. Fiddling about for a match, I light up a cigarette and take a long drag. A deep breath and the smoke burns my throat. The warm, relaxing burn takes my mind away from the mystery of the day, inching my consciousness back to reality. The answering machine light is blinking, if I was sleeping on the couch all day why didn't I hear the phone?
Taking another drag of my cigarette, I thumb the button to playback the messages. The mechanized voice of the machine barks out the time stamp on the first message, 9:21 AM. “Hey Erik,” I recognize the voice on the message instantly, it belongs to a coworker of mine named Melinae, “it's me, Mel. Well, you haven't shown up for work yet, did you party too hard, again, last night? I think the old man's getting a little pissed so I just thought I'd give you a heads up if you're even planning on showing up today. See ya later. BEEP”
****, the 'old man' in reference is none other than my boss! Another drag from the cigarette calms my nerves; I can always find another job if need be. How considerate of Melinae to think of me like that. She's pretty cute too as a matter of fact, the kind of girl that probably has some secret sexual fetish but acts completely normal on the surface. Bondage perhaps, she reminds me of a catholic school girl. I'll have to remember to thank her tomorrow at work, assuming that I haven't been fired yet. The answering machine's soulless voice sparks to life again, the next message was received at 12:48 PM: “Erik? This is Mr. Andrew Miller calling.” Double ****; the boss! “Erik, I've decided that your services to our organization are no longer required. You can come in and pick up your last paycheck on Friday. Good luck in your future endeavors. BEEP”
No big deal, it's not the first time I'd been fired, and it probably won't be the last. Regardless, the mystery of the lost time was still ebbing in the back of my thoughts. I returned to the couch a butted out my smoldering cigarette in the ashtray. I sighed, thinking, wondering, am I going insane? Bah, you are either insane or not insane, there's no 'road to insanity'. Where had the time gone?
A pain numbs my temples the instant I realize that there remained one message on the answering machine. I rub my face, vigorously trying to remove the tingling pain from my temples, as I approach the answering machine to divulge the contents of the last message. I wonder why it didn't play through when I was listening to the other messages. Ominously the red light blinks, the apartment is completely dark now, the last few rays of sunlight having slipped beneath the horizon. Time evidently stands still as I approach the machine, before I can press the button to play the message the machine once more sparks to life: 'Message received at 6:55 PM'. The room grows silent, the city outside my window appears to be draped in a blanket of darkness and silence. I feel a presence in the room, a somehow familiar presence, my mind twists and contorts itself trying vainly to understand what's happening, and then a voice:
“Don't Think.”
The room begins to spin as the throbbing at my temples becomes unbearably painful, I cry out in terror and agony as I collapse into a heap. Consciousness slipping from my grasp and I go numb...
So... comments?
Something flashes in the corner of my eye, as I turn my gaze I catch a fleeting glimpse of a long passed memory, slipping from the outermost edge of my subconscious, yearning to break free into the realm of thought. Vague shapes and shadows dance on the wall as I stare, ruminating for a thread of familiarity, my mind twists, trying desperately to draw out the hidden memory locked within. The dainty aroma of a fine perfume caresses my nostrils, my eyelids grow heavy; they lower as faint sounds tickle my eardrums into activity. The world around me swirls into a pit of darkness and becomes distant; the body is there, but the mind dances through the global circuits of consciousness.
Bodiless, my mind flies through the open plane of human consciousness, feeling my way along the highways of thought and emotion. A metamorphoses, much like the dimwitted caterpillar becomes the elegant butterfly, I am aware of things. For the first time in my life I am aware that there is more to existence then the wretched confines of the physical world. I feel myself being bathed in the emotional warmth of the infinite plane, my mind pulses with excitement. Shifting realities wrench and bring me to a level that I recognize, stars and blackness surrounds me. The vast universe stretches before me like a grand buffet, where to start? So much to try, so much to see, to taste, to smell, to hear, to touch, it 's overwhelming! Yet I feel a serene sense of calmness, the perspective of my mind wraps itself around the concepts of ethereal life.
I become aware of direction, distance and speed, though in comparison to the infinitesimal void, these concepts have little weight. In an instant there is a presence, someone calling out to me. The presence dissipates, I can't feel it anymore. I feel cold and alone, so distant from everything. The universe fades out of existence as a wave of emotional loneliness washes over my mind, it is dark now. Time slows, fizzles and stops, but what is time if not a measurement of conscious existence? There is nothing, I am alone in the void.
A blurry white cloud of dust approaches me, at least I perceive it to be approaching. In the void, direction has no meaning, time has no meaning, there is only the void, the cloud, and me. The cloud sharpens and takes shape, blurry images dance and contort, what does it say? I strain my mind and try to focus on the cloud, thinking, reaching, stretching my curiosity towards it within the void. I can almost make out the form, the shapes almost begin to carry meaning. Focusing harder, my thoughts race through the confines of my mind, and the cloud suddenly materializes into the most simplistic of commands: “Don't Think”.
A massive grumbling and suddenly I lurch back to consciousness, the familiar confines of my apartment surround me: home. What had just happened? A faint tint of dark blue light gives my apartment a gloomy appearance, is it the evening? The room gives no reply. I notice that my large, oak grandfather clock seems to think that it is 7PM, the wrist watch on my coffee table is more than happy to agree, in spite of my perceptions. Impossible! I had just gotten out of bed less than ten minutes ago! A cup of cold coffee on the table appears to further defy my perception of time. Did I fall asleep on the couch? Did I dream my whole day away? It wouldn't be the first time that I'd slouched about all day, but what of dreaming? I can't seem to recall anything! My mind feels like a blank slate, unthinking, rested.
I rub my eyes trying to make sense of the lost time. A nagging sensation grips my being, the addiction, the habit. Fiddling about for a match, I light up a cigarette and take a long drag. A deep breath and the smoke burns my throat. The warm, relaxing burn takes my mind away from the mystery of the day, inching my consciousness back to reality. The answering machine light is blinking, if I was sleeping on the couch all day why didn't I hear the phone?
Taking another drag of my cigarette, I thumb the button to playback the messages. The mechanized voice of the machine barks out the time stamp on the first message, 9:21 AM. “Hey Erik,” I recognize the voice on the message instantly, it belongs to a coworker of mine named Melinae, “it's me, Mel. Well, you haven't shown up for work yet, did you party too hard, again, last night? I think the old man's getting a little pissed so I just thought I'd give you a heads up if you're even planning on showing up today. See ya later. BEEP”
****, the 'old man' in reference is none other than my boss! Another drag from the cigarette calms my nerves; I can always find another job if need be. How considerate of Melinae to think of me like that. She's pretty cute too as a matter of fact, the kind of girl that probably has some secret sexual fetish but acts completely normal on the surface. Bondage perhaps, she reminds me of a catholic school girl. I'll have to remember to thank her tomorrow at work, assuming that I haven't been fired yet. The answering machine's soulless voice sparks to life again, the next message was received at 12:48 PM: “Erik? This is Mr. Andrew Miller calling.” Double ****; the boss! “Erik, I've decided that your services to our organization are no longer required. You can come in and pick up your last paycheck on Friday. Good luck in your future endeavors. BEEP”
No big deal, it's not the first time I'd been fired, and it probably won't be the last. Regardless, the mystery of the lost time was still ebbing in the back of my thoughts. I returned to the couch a butted out my smoldering cigarette in the ashtray. I sighed, thinking, wondering, am I going insane? Bah, you are either insane or not insane, there's no 'road to insanity'. Where had the time gone?
A pain numbs my temples the instant I realize that there remained one message on the answering machine. I rub my face, vigorously trying to remove the tingling pain from my temples, as I approach the answering machine to divulge the contents of the last message. I wonder why it didn't play through when I was listening to the other messages. Ominously the red light blinks, the apartment is completely dark now, the last few rays of sunlight having slipped beneath the horizon. Time evidently stands still as I approach the machine, before I can press the button to play the message the machine once more sparks to life: 'Message received at 6:55 PM'. The room grows silent, the city outside my window appears to be draped in a blanket of darkness and silence. I feel a presence in the room, a somehow familiar presence, my mind twists and contorts itself trying vainly to understand what's happening, and then a voice:
“Don't Think.”
The room begins to spin as the throbbing at my temples becomes unbearably painful, I cry out in terror and agony as I collapse into a heap. Consciousness slipping from my grasp and I go numb...
So... comments?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Ever been depressed?
I'm sure you have, certainly all manners of people have been depressed at some point in their lives. I'm not so much depressed right now as I am angry, angry that the obligations of life outweight my enjoyment of it. Let me set the stage for you, I go to school full time throughout the week and I work Fridays and Saturdays until 3AM at a bar called Cowboy's Ranch here in London.
Such a schedule leaves me with no 'party nights'. Meaning I have no evenings free in which I can drink my face off without the reprecussions of responsibility draining my happiness. I find myself faced with great effort if I want to continue this lifestyle; my neglected social life most likely cannot survive.
I'm frustrated especially with people who seem to coast through life without a care in the world. Welfare people; there are so many of them here in London that it's astonishing. I'd never seen so many lazy people in my life before moving here. I hate this city; wish I was back in Calgary...
I'm sure you have, certainly all manners of people have been depressed at some point in their lives. I'm not so much depressed right now as I am angry, angry that the obligations of life outweight my enjoyment of it. Let me set the stage for you, I go to school full time throughout the week and I work Fridays and Saturdays until 3AM at a bar called Cowboy's Ranch here in London.
Such a schedule leaves me with no 'party nights'. Meaning I have no evenings free in which I can drink my face off without the reprecussions of responsibility draining my happiness. I find myself faced with great effort if I want to continue this lifestyle; my neglected social life most likely cannot survive.
I'm frustrated especially with people who seem to coast through life without a care in the world. Welfare people; there are so many of them here in London that it's astonishing. I'd never seen so many lazy people in my life before moving here. I hate this city; wish I was back in Calgary...
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Signature Gallery
Well, as most of the people who visit this blog will no doubt be aware, I live for Internet Signatures. I love to make them and improve my talents, and I've been doing it for quite a number of years. Unfortunately I've lost 70% of my past works because of moving, changing computers, etc, so in an effort to keep everything in one place, I've decided to add a gallery to this place.
Signature Gallery
Signature Gallery
Friday, April 28, 2006
Moving Day
I happen to be moving houses tomorrow and I thought I'd just give a little heads up to anyone who still reads this crap-ass blog. It's nothing major in the way of relocation, we're only moving a couple of kilometres away, but still right within the city of London.
The thing that sucks is that I have to work tonight, which of course means I'll be at work until 3AM, minimum. Then I have to trek over to the new apartment and sleep there for the night, at which point I'll have to get up around 8AM to let the damned movers in.
It's going to be a rough, exhausting weekend; I've already decided that.
The thing that sucks is that I have to work tonight, which of course means I'll be at work until 3AM, minimum. Then I have to trek over to the new apartment and sleep there for the night, at which point I'll have to get up around 8AM to let the damned movers in.
It's going to be a rough, exhausting weekend; I've already decided that.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Am I Wrong?
Am I wrong, or does the government suck?
Recently in Canada, Parliment Hill chose not to lower the federal flags in memorium of the four Canadian soldiers that recently died in Afghanistan. They cited their reason as being that we have a day of Remembrance on Nov 11th every year, in remembrance of the end of WWI, and to honour all veterans who have died in the service of Canada. Good, I understand and wholly support Remembrance Day and I'm proud to have a day where we get to honour our veterans of past and present, however what the Government did was hold a vote to see whether they would lower the flags to half or not. The indecision made their answer seem like a slap in the face to the families of those recently deceased soldiers.
I believe that the Government should be unyielding in the upholding of the laws of state, it's the fact that they had the internal rumbling enough to have to hold the vote, like some the members of Parliament, don't know their own laws. Whenever our government is featured on the news, I'm almost embarrassed to be Canadian.
Shape up guys, or we'll ship you out.
Recently in Canada, Parliment Hill chose not to lower the federal flags in memorium of the four Canadian soldiers that recently died in Afghanistan. They cited their reason as being that we have a day of Remembrance on Nov 11th every year, in remembrance of the end of WWI, and to honour all veterans who have died in the service of Canada. Good, I understand and wholly support Remembrance Day and I'm proud to have a day where we get to honour our veterans of past and present, however what the Government did was hold a vote to see whether they would lower the flags to half or not. The indecision made their answer seem like a slap in the face to the families of those recently deceased soldiers.
I believe that the Government should be unyielding in the upholding of the laws of state, it's the fact that they had the internal rumbling enough to have to hold the vote, like some the members of Parliament, don't know their own laws. Whenever our government is featured on the news, I'm almost embarrassed to be Canadian.
Shape up guys, or we'll ship you out.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Spending Money is Fun
So I got paid yesterday, and of course the first thing I did was head to the mall to cash the cheque and spend as much of it as humanly possible before work this evening. I picked up a couple of shirts, a pair of shorts, and some new Reeboks to replace the falling apartness of my old sneaks. I also picked up The DaVinci Code and Robert Sawyer's Hominids, along with some assorted school supplies.
Does anyone else find it odd that a Canadian based fast food chain called Harvey's just introduced a new sandwich called the Texan Burger. I guess it lets all the dumb Americans feel right at home when they come up here for a bite to eat. I don't know, there's really not a whole lot of substance to this post, I just felt like rambling a bit.
I've been getting some demands to post up some more Photoshop Tutorials, so if anyone else would like to see some more things of that nature, please let me know with a comment or an email. And let me know what you'd like to learn how to do in Photoshop, so I can get some ideas on what subjects to post tutorials on.
Does anyone else find it odd that a Canadian based fast food chain called Harvey's just introduced a new sandwich called the Texan Burger. I guess it lets all the dumb Americans feel right at home when they come up here for a bite to eat. I don't know, there's really not a whole lot of substance to this post, I just felt like rambling a bit.
I've been getting some demands to post up some more Photoshop Tutorials, so if anyone else would like to see some more things of that nature, please let me know with a comment or an email. And let me know what you'd like to learn how to do in Photoshop, so I can get some ideas on what subjects to post tutorials on.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Belated 420
Happy 'late' 420 everyone, sorry I haven't been around much, but work keeps me pretty busy and when I'm not working, I'm drinking. Hopefully you'll understand. Anyways, the point of this entry is just to hope that everyone had a safe and dissentful Marijuana Smoking Day. In case you're not a toker, you should know that April 20th is Marijuana Smoking Day because of the fact that the date can be read as "420", which is a common slang for the time of day kids used to smoke up after school/detention.
Unfortunately no one really knows the origin of the term exactly, but it's believed to have been derived from LA kids who would spend all day in school and not be able to puff any chronic until 4:20 in the afternoon. That's the theory anyways.

Happy smoke everyone!
Unfortunately no one really knows the origin of the term exactly, but it's believed to have been derived from LA kids who would spend all day in school and not be able to puff any chronic until 4:20 in the afternoon. That's the theory anyways.
Happy smoke everyone!
Monday, April 3, 2006
Chris Slate, PSM Magazine
I recently had an encounter with the editor in chief of the publication PSM, based in California. After having been requested to make a banner to voice the concerns of one moderator over nothing being fixed around PSM's Online Discussion Forum, I put the banner into my signature. After returning to the forums the next day, I found myself banned, over calling someone a tool over the Internet. Well apparently the "Personal Attack" I made on Chris Slate, didn't sit too well with Chris Slate, and I was promptly banned without even being notified, or going through the forum's 3 strikes and you're out policy.
After some rabble rousing from my friendly forumites, I was reinstated to previous forum status the next day. Although I hold no grudge against Chris Slate personally, he needs to grow up and get a sense of humour.
Also, I'd like to thank all of the forum members that came to my defense over the unfair banning of the forum's most prominent member... me. It would take too long to list all of the names who supported me, but I want to personally thank Stephen P. Nobles IV for sticking up for me the entire time, after all, he was the one who asked for the offending banner to be made. I'd also like to personally thank Aimee (faerietalegoddess) because of her staunch words to both Steve and Chris who got a little off topic with all of their cock waving.
Once again, thanks guys, except Kgod, the biggest bitch on the forums.
After some rabble rousing from my friendly forumites, I was reinstated to previous forum status the next day. Although I hold no grudge against Chris Slate personally, he needs to grow up and get a sense of humour.
Also, I'd like to thank all of the forum members that came to my defense over the unfair banning of the forum's most prominent member... me. It would take too long to list all of the names who supported me, but I want to personally thank Stephen P. Nobles IV for sticking up for me the entire time, after all, he was the one who asked for the offending banner to be made. I'd also like to personally thank Aimee (faerietalegoddess) because of her staunch words to both Steve and Chris who got a little off topic with all of their cock waving.
Once again, thanks guys, except Kgod, the biggest bitch on the forums.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Note to Self
Once again, I chose to go out and get drunk on a Sunday night and once again I was much too sick to get to school this morning. Luckily for me, it was only slated to be a halfday today, but it's still the principle of the matter. Although beer is great, getting up 6 hours after getting sloshed and realizing that if you ride the bus to school, someone's going to get a really good look at what you ate last night, isn't. So once again I resolve never to drink on a school night.
We'll see how long that lasts.
Once again, I chose to go out and get drunk on a Sunday night and once again I was much too sick to get to school this morning. Luckily for me, it was only slated to be a halfday today, but it's still the principle of the matter. Although beer is great, getting up 6 hours after getting sloshed and realizing that if you ride the bus to school, someone's going to get a really good look at what you ate last night, isn't. So once again I resolve never to drink on a school night.
We'll see how long that lasts.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
20 Tips for Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
Tips for Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse:
1. Do as many drugs as possible. (This doesn't necessarily ensure survival, but you'll be a lot more accepting of the situation.)
2. If possible, attempt to reason with the zombie hordes; they might be more understanding of not eating you if you can explain why you don't want to be eaten.
3. DO NOT SHOOT THE ZOMBIES; that will only make them angrier, and you probably have bad aim anyways.
4. If at all possible, run. Unless you're a woman, then you'll probably just trip and twist your ankle.
5. Zombies are drawn to large population centers, so move to the country if possible, unless you live near one of the following: cemetery, crematorium, ancient burial ground, noisy, shuffling, moaning neighbours.
6. Do not lean against windows.
7. Make sure to travel with a large group of 'feeders', people who run slightly slower than you to ensure your survival.
8. Molotov Cocktails are good for splash damage, but the undead hordes don't feel a lot of pain, so while you may feel "cool" throwing a Molotov, don't.
9. Wal-Mart sells machetes for $7.99, stock up before the Apocalypse.
10. Realize that it's unlikely you'll be able to cut through the undead hordes, as an alternative, you can try to escape, but stay in the open for fuck's sakes.
11. Do not fall asleep.
12. Should any member of your party become infected, be sure to kill said individual immediately; there is no cure for zombie, so don't waste time.
13. Don't assume that the government will rescue you; more likely than not, they were the first ones to be evacuated to the Moon.
14. Compassion will get you killed, be ruthless.
15. In the event of coming across some top secret research facility, don't assume that it's safe to go inside; if you do, you're already dead.
16. Unless you're British, don't think that you can "blend in" by imitating the zombies.
17. Get as drunk as possible; you'll need to do something to take your mind off the end of humanity.
18. Don't assume that everyone you meet is friendly, instead shoot everyone you meet in the kneecaps and run past them laughing. This will slow the zombies down.
19. If you get the chance to have sex, don't; she might have a disease or something.
20. Run.
1. Do as many drugs as possible. (This doesn't necessarily ensure survival, but you'll be a lot more accepting of the situation.)
2. If possible, attempt to reason with the zombie hordes; they might be more understanding of not eating you if you can explain why you don't want to be eaten.
3. DO NOT SHOOT THE ZOMBIES; that will only make them angrier, and you probably have bad aim anyways.
4. If at all possible, run. Unless you're a woman, then you'll probably just trip and twist your ankle.
5. Zombies are drawn to large population centers, so move to the country if possible, unless you live near one of the following: cemetery, crematorium, ancient burial ground, noisy, shuffling, moaning neighbours.
6. Do not lean against windows.
7. Make sure to travel with a large group of 'feeders', people who run slightly slower than you to ensure your survival.
8. Molotov Cocktails are good for splash damage, but the undead hordes don't feel a lot of pain, so while you may feel "cool" throwing a Molotov, don't.
9. Wal-Mart sells machetes for $7.99, stock up before the Apocalypse.
10. Realize that it's unlikely you'll be able to cut through the undead hordes, as an alternative, you can try to escape, but stay in the open for fuck's sakes.
11. Do not fall asleep.
12. Should any member of your party become infected, be sure to kill said individual immediately; there is no cure for zombie, so don't waste time.
13. Don't assume that the government will rescue you; more likely than not, they were the first ones to be evacuated to the Moon.
14. Compassion will get you killed, be ruthless.
15. In the event of coming across some top secret research facility, don't assume that it's safe to go inside; if you do, you're already dead.
16. Unless you're British, don't think that you can "blend in" by imitating the zombies.
17. Get as drunk as possible; you'll need to do something to take your mind off the end of humanity.
18. Don't assume that everyone you meet is friendly, instead shoot everyone you meet in the kneecaps and run past them laughing. This will slow the zombies down.
19. If you get the chance to have sex, don't; she might have a disease or something.
20. Run.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Faber and MxPx
As a bouncer at a night club, there's the odd once or twice a month when a name band will come in on tour and play a show. It helps when your club is affiliated with House of Blues which basically handles all concert bookings in Canada. So after working last night's Hedley show, I just want to extend a warm hand of thanks to my new buddies, the members of Faber and the members of MxPx, you guys had an awesome show and it was great partying with you afterwards.
A huge thanks to Faber for the buds, and as for MxPx's Mike Herrera, you only won the game because I scratched the cue ball on the last shot bud...
Now let's talk Hedley...
Hedley is a band that was formed when the lead singer dropped off of Canadian Idol (Yes yanks, we have one of those shitty reality shows too) because he didn't like the style of music that Idol contestants were into. Now as a band, they're pretty mellow, pushing on the side of bubblegum pop rock almost, let's just say that there were mostly young girls at their show last night. To be honest though, they don't have the greatest reputation; I've actually heard that the lead singer once doped up a girl at a club here in London and proceeded to rape her. Scary stuff, but just like any young headlining band, they were quite arrogant and were pretty much totally ignorant of the world around them.
Let me just finish off by saying that Hedley sucks.
A huge thanks to Faber for the buds, and as for MxPx's Mike Herrera, you only won the game because I scratched the cue ball on the last shot bud...
Now let's talk Hedley...
Hedley is a band that was formed when the lead singer dropped off of Canadian Idol (Yes yanks, we have one of those shitty reality shows too) because he didn't like the style of music that Idol contestants were into. Now as a band, they're pretty mellow, pushing on the side of bubblegum pop rock almost, let's just say that there were mostly young girls at their show last night. To be honest though, they don't have the greatest reputation; I've actually heard that the lead singer once doped up a girl at a club here in London and proceeded to rape her. Scary stuff, but just like any young headlining band, they were quite arrogant and were pretty much totally ignorant of the world around them.
Let me just finish off by saying that Hedley sucks.
Friday, March 10, 2006
March Break
So next week is March Break, and I'm sure those of you still in the educational system like me have all be looking forward to such an extended vacation. It would be great to be able to say that I have some cool travel plans, or have a seven day drinking binge lined up, but the truth is, I have no plans really. Hopefully I can hook up with some friends and at least get a little inebriated.
Work's going well anyways, it's not exactly the most exciting occupation in the world to be a bouncer at a country-themed dance club... but it's easy enough so far. One good point is that every month or so there seems to be a known band (that isn't associated with country music) who comes in to play a concert. So if I happen to be working the Tuesday during the March Break, I'll get to see a free Hedley concert.
I know these blog posts are getting more an more interesting, but to be honest, I have no idea what people are looking to see here.
Work's going well anyways, it's not exactly the most exciting occupation in the world to be a bouncer at a country-themed dance club... but it's easy enough so far. One good point is that every month or so there seems to be a known band (that isn't associated with country music) who comes in to play a concert. So if I happen to be working the Tuesday during the March Break, I'll get to see a free Hedley concert.
I know these blog posts are getting more an more interesting, but to be honest, I have no idea what people are looking to see here.
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
100+ Hits in February
I didn't realize that my website was getting those kind of numbers, I figured I would have 2 or 3 visitors a week with the amount of comments I get. I'd like to leave the counter up for awhile, even though it's more of an ego boost than an actual site statistic thing right now.
How's everyone else coping with the winter?
I didn't realize that my website was getting those kind of numbers, I figured I would have 2 or 3 visitors a week with the amount of comments I get. I'd like to leave the counter up for awhile, even though it's more of an ego boost than an actual site statistic thing right now.
How's everyone else coping with the winter?
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Well, I actually managed to get myself a job that I've been looking to get for awhile now. I'm a bouncer over at a night club. It's not that I particularily care for the job, but any job in a bar works well with my hours, so it should be a way for me to get a little money in my pocket anyways. The great thing is that the club is owned by a big name company, so there are a lot of big name bands coming and going all the time.
Wish me luck if anyone still reads this blog.
Wish me luck if anyone still reads this blog.
Monday, February 13, 2006
High School
I remember High School being a bit tougher when I went as a teen, but now it's just too simple. Maybe it's because I'm taking an Introduction to Information Technology course right now. Yeah, that's right, we're learning how to use MS Word! And Excel! Oh joys!! Today I think we're going to be doing some continuing work on the Internet!
It's a horribly easy course for someone like me who's basically lived on the computer since I was 14 or 15, but whatever, it's a free credit.
Oh right, and on another note, I'm scheduled to do some aptitude testing to find out what occupations I'll be good at, and/or most enjoy. I'm betting my money that the results will come up as sexy nude girl photographer/pimp, but you never can tell how they build those tests.
It's a horribly easy course for someone like me who's basically lived on the computer since I was 14 or 15, but whatever, it's a free credit.
Oh right, and on another note, I'm scheduled to do some aptitude testing to find out what occupations I'll be good at, and/or most enjoy. I'm betting my money that the results will come up as sexy nude girl photographer/pimp, but you never can tell how they build those tests.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Ahh, Life at Home
There is one genuinely good thing about living at home after having lived as an adult on your own, that is of course the food. Just polished off a fantastic turkey dinner with all of the trimming and let me tell you, I never appreciated how someone could spend all day in the kitchen before. When I lived alone, the longest time I ever spent preparing a meal was a half an hour, but I'm lazy so yeah.
I guess that there's no real point to this post, maybe it's just the triptophane getting at my brain already.
Ah well, turkey + stuffing + potatos + gravy = good.
I guess that there's no real point to this post, maybe it's just the triptophane getting at my brain already.
Ah well, turkey + stuffing + potatos + gravy = good.
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Have a look over at this place if you're into seriously themed post-apocolyptic web comics with foul language and a bit of a bite. And hey, in this crazy world, who doesn't like those kinds of things? Honestly though, go over and have a look, one of the creators is an Internet acquaintance of mine.
Don't read this blog you stupid fucks! GET OVER THERE NOW!
Don't read this blog you stupid fucks! GET OVER THERE NOW!
Thursday, February 2, 2006
Moogle's Current Playlist
Well, why wouldn't you want to know what I'm listening to?
Also I'm high, so I might as well post this shit!
Also I'm high, so I might as well post this shit!
- L7 :: Pretend That We're Dead
- Marilyn Manson :: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
- Heart :: Barracuda
- This Love :: Pantera
- Slow Ride :: Fog Hat
- Welcome To The Jungle :: Guns N Roses
- Come As You Are :: Nirvana
- All Along The Watchtower :: Jimi Hendrix
- No More Mr. Nice Guy :: Alice Cooper
- Jump :: Van Halen
Hope you enjoyed that kids!
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Groundhog's Day
Well... tomorrow is Groundhog's Day, which means all of the retarded little superstitious people will be standing around all morning in the cold sitting around a little hole and waiting for a big ass rodent to pop out of the ground! Now whether or not this ugly muskrat sees his shadow determines if there is going to be six more weeks of winter or not.
Why people feel the need to fill the void in their lives with these innane, moronic rituals, I'll never know. Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? Seriously kids, I don't understand how 'cloudy or not' determines if there's going to be six more weeks of winter!
Ah well, at least the movie was pretty funny.
Why people feel the need to fill the void in their lives with these innane, moronic rituals, I'll never know. Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? Seriously kids, I don't understand how 'cloudy or not' determines if there's going to be six more weeks of winter!
Ah well, at least the movie was pretty funny.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
It's Almost February
Have you ever thought to yourself, "Gee Kris, I sure do like your writings based on Surface City, but I just wish it was easier to access." WELL NOW IT IS! I've created an index page for all of my stories that take place in the futuristic cliché that is Surface City.
Click here now!
Ok, now that we've got that out of the way. I just want to mention that I'm re-attending high school again. Plan on finishing it this time and possibly going to college, hell, I might even go to college without finishing high school, but we'll see how the money flows.
Friends are awesome, just need to find that special girl still. School's alright too, only go in the afternoon and I've gotten quite a following in my basic computer course, considering I'm the only person who can type faster then 20 WPM. (I can get as high as 90 WPM sometimes.) HONEST!
Tata for now kids.
Click here now!
Ok, now that we've got that out of the way. I just want to mention that I'm re-attending high school again. Plan on finishing it this time and possibly going to college, hell, I might even go to college without finishing high school, but we'll see how the money flows.
Friends are awesome, just need to find that special girl still. School's alright too, only go in the afternoon and I've gotten quite a following in my basic computer course, considering I'm the only person who can type faster then 20 WPM. (I can get as high as 90 WPM sometimes.) HONEST!
Tata for now kids.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Happy New Year
Another year, another year, what's to say really? Just because the calender changes we're all supposed to make all of these stupid resolutions that no one ever really keeps? I don't understand the practice at all. If you wanted to, for instance quit smoking, would you really need to wait for the date on your calender to change? Is it really such a big moment in your pitiful life that you have to celebrate the fact that the earth made it around the sun once again?
You people disgust me. I'm going to go live with sheep from now on.

Well, it probably wouldn't be much of a change from the consumerism sheep of today.
You people disgust me. I'm going to go live with sheep from now on.
Well, it probably wouldn't be much of a change from the consumerism sheep of today.
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