Monday, February 13, 2006

High School

I remember High School being a bit tougher when I went as a teen, but now it's just too simple. Maybe it's because I'm taking an Introduction to Information Technology course right now. Yeah, that's right, we're learning how to use MS Word! And Excel! Oh joys!! Today I think we're going to be doing some continuing work on the Internet!


It's a horribly easy course for someone like me who's basically lived on the computer since I was 14 or 15, but whatever, it's a free credit.

Oh right, and on another note, I'm scheduled to do some aptitude testing to find out what occupations I'll be good at, and/or most enjoy. I'm betting my money that the results will come up as sexy nude girl photographer/pimp, but you never can tell how they build those tests.

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