Detective Brock Krumm wasn’t an angry man by nature, but the circumstances of his life brought together all of the proper tools for making him into a rage-filled person. For the last nineteen years he’d been a cop, witness to some of the foulest goings-on of
‘If only they knew the true meaning of upholding the law,’ Krumm thought with a grimace. Two years ago to the day, he’d lost his partner and closest friend, Miles North. A friendship of seventeen years, snuffed out by one juiced up crazy with a gun. The crazy thug was of course never arrested, never charged, never found, the Guard didn’t even know the name of the murderer of one of it’s own! Ineptness at work. Brock had declined the Guard’s offer of a new partner; there would be no one to replace Miles, not in his mind. So Brock worked alone, trudging through mountains of paperwork from day to day, dealing with the shit that life as a cop always seemed to slam him personally. Unfortunately for Brock, the Surface City Police Force, officially named the Omni-Guard, was a lot like the mafia of old. Once you were in, there was no getting out. It was especially true nowadays, with the Guard’s labour crisis going on. It seemed there just weren’t enough concerned citizens anymore. Or maybe it was the high fatality percentage for rookie cops in this city that kept the new recruits away. Whatever the case, the Guard was short-handed, the perfect time for a veteran detective to be denied his right to retire after so many years of service. ‘Just more shit,’ he thought.
Dt. Krumm took a long drag from his cigarette as he peered out from his surveillance position, the position was in plain sight, Krumm of course was not. He was cleverly hidden away behind a camo-net masque, a nice piece of technology that bends visual light. Any minute now she’d be here; he’d been tracking this particular suspect for the past three months, she wasn’t going to get away again; Krumm was tired of explanations. The suspect’s name was unknown; she wasn’t a registered resident of
Krumm glanced over his watch again, an anonymous tipper had informed them of a robbery going down at the Sector A1 Capital Bank, it was a huge target; being the centre of commerce this side of
His thoughts broke suddenly as he noticed a single figure making their way towards the front entrance of the bank. It was quite dark; Krumm saw only a long trench coat loosely wrapped on a tall slim figure. He watched greedily hoping for a chance to catch his ‘white whale’. As the figure stepped into the light he caught a glimpse of long straight black hair and a tight white bodysuit, it was Lola. Krumm clenched his teeth in anticipation, this time she wouldn’t get away; he’d wait for her to go inside and then ambush her while she was in the act. He wasn’t afraid for his own safety; the whole time they’d been tracking Lola she’d never so much as hurt a single Guardsman, it was almost as if she was afraid. Or maybe she was a smart enough girl to keep her nose clean enough that no serious charges could be dropped on her should she ever failed to escape. Krumm didn’t care either way, as long as she wasn’t violent, then he wouldn’t have to be. He watched as Lola crept towards the main bank entrance. She bent over to inspect the doors and suddenly stopped in mid-motion. Krumm froze. Had he been made? Did she know he was watching? Impossible! He was equipped with the latest OG Camo-Net equipment. The small device bends the light around an immobile object, making it practically invisible. There’s no way she would have been able to see him through the dark. No way!
Lola turned exactly to where Krumm was sitting against a wall across the street. She seemed to be looking directly at him, but he didn’t dare move from the stare of those piercing ice blue eyes. There was a glint of pearl as she grinned at him, Krumm blinked and she was gone. He scrambled to his feet but she was no where to be seen. He ran into the street cursing himself under his breath, how had she seen him? How had she known? As he looked back to his previous location beside the wall he couldn’t even see the Camouflage Generator, a great hunk of smooth silver technology and it was camouflaging itself too well to be seen. So how had she known?! Krumm rubbed his eyes with both bewilderment and rage, wondering where to proceed from here he cursed himself under his breath again. As he reopened his eyes he noticed something on the ground, it was glowing bright red-orange but was quickly fading into the blackness of the night.
“Damnit!” He cursed, “You got me this time Lola, my own fault, but you got me.” He yelled into the blackness, being the commercial district that it was, and being that it was
“Another shitty day on the job since I lost you partner…” Krumm put away the photograph of his departed friend, suppressed his rage and made his way back to the CORE. Then the rain started.